Overworking / Overthinking

Are you overworking or overthinking? 

The time that we take to finish one task is not the time we use to do it. 

We also take time before we start working on it. 
Sometimes we keep giving our time even after finishing the task.

If we need to write an email to one of our key clients, we need to take some time to think about what we expect from communication.
Then we do the first draft, revise it a few times and finish writing the email, and send it.
After sending the email, we often think about the next step of our communication to close the deal with a win-win.

The most productive time is not the time when we write the email here. 
The time we take to think about the email before we draft it is the essential time. 

It is the time that decides whether it will be an effective communication or not. 

It is the thinking time, and we need to make sure of the quality of it.

Quality thinking time makes us mentally productive!